Contact Us

Core to the values of any decentralized exchange, Helix enables users to benefit from features on the platform in a permission-less, and automated manner, allowing for the deployment of liquidity pools, generation of yield, and the creation of derivative markets, without the aid of an intermediary. For everything else, you can always contact the team!

Use the links on this page to find the relevant point of contact.

Looking to start a farm on Helix? Use the Partnership form and get in touch!

Business Partnerships

Business partnerships with Helix include applications to run pools, farms, and combinations of the two. Use the link below to reach the partnership application forms and connect directly with the team.

Platform Support

Users of the platform can find the easiest and most direct way to solve ongoing or recurring issues encountered.


Join the community on Discord, and keep up to date with all the latest project information on Twitter, the Helix blog, and other platforms!

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