Geobot Earn FAQ's

Where Do Rewards For Geobot Staking Come From?

Rewards for the Geobot staking pool are provided for through fees incurred on the platform. In addition to this, the pool has been pre-funded with 0.3% of the total supply of HELIX, to allow for early reward distribution.

Streams of yield for Geobot holders include: - 33% Allocated from vault fees - 33% Allocated from Yield Swap fees - 50% fees collected from referral reward harvesting

Why Were The Geobots Deployed On Solana?

It was decided early on to launch the Geobots on Solana due to the amazing NFT community that can be found there, including secondary markets, analytics tools, and alpha groups. For these reasons, launching our genesis NFT collection on the network seemed a no-brainer, especially considering the Geobots are intended as a cross-chain collection, which will leverage the benefits of multiple blockchains.

How Much Will My Geobot Earn From The Staking Pool

Individual yield for the Geobot staking pool is determined with the formula; yield = (walletWeight/totalWeightOfAllStakedGeos) x 0.22% x 9%

walletWeight = sum of all Geo levels within a wallet

What Are The Risks Of Staking In The Geobot Pool?

Smart contract vulnerability remains the main risk of staking a Geobot NFT, though this is negated by the audits that Helix has already undertaken. There is no risk of impermanent loss with NFT staking.

Does Geobot Rarity Factor Into The Yield Received?

While the rarity of Geobots currently doesn't play a role in the rewards that holders receive, certain advantages when using Helix and future platforms will either only be able to be unlocked with rare Geobots, or will have the value of those rewards aligned with the rarity of the Geobot.

This includes access to platform features and access to opportunities relating to future-release platforms and their connected token launches, including future gen2+ NFT releases that are a part of the Geometry ecosystem.

As these rarity-based use cases become available we will make corresponding announcements to ensure that the community remains up to date on this.

Which Currency Are NFT Staking Rewards Paid In?

Geobot staking will generate yield in differing cryptocurrencies, with HELIX being the most common form of yield for stakers, but other assets such as ETH, USDC and DAI also being included in this group.

Initially yield will solely consist of HELIX and over time as additional assets are provided as yield we'll announce these developments to the community.

Can I Sell My Ethereum-Based Wrapped Geobot?

There will be no official support for trading the ETH variants of the Geobots and instead we would advise anyone looking to trade to unwrap their Geobots from ETH back to Solana using this portal on Helix: From there trading can be completed at

Is There A Minimum Staking Period For Geobots?

While there is no minimum staking period for Geobots, there will be a penalty fee introduced for staking of less than 72 hours.

The income from this fee will be sent to the Geobot staking pool as additional yield for long-term stakers.

Can I Stake Just 1 Geobot, Or Must They Be In Multiples?

The minimum number of bots that can be staked in the Geobot pool is 1.

Per bot, a portion of yield will be earned by the wallet per block/day. If you own 10 level 1 Geobots that are staked, you'll earn 10X more yield than if you have 1 level 1 Geobot staked.

Multiple Geobots can be staked in one transaction by wrapping together through the Nexus bridge. More information on wrapping and bridging Geobot NFTs can be found on the bridging and staking guide.

Last updated